Ultimate Ridiculously easy and fun New Year’s wine Resolution for December!!
Ultimate? Yep!
This is the last of my monthly fun wine resolutions!
With wine!
About wine!
That’s the resolution! How ridiculously easy and fun is that!?!?!?
Let’s talk!
If November was the penultimate ( I really wanted to use that word) resolution, then this month must be the ultimate.
And it is!!
A total win-win.
No one should feel like they have failed at whatever New Year’s Resolution they chose to make. You get to have a do-over every month. And a fun one at that!
So celebrate!
Wait. What??
That’s a resolution?
I’ll get into the details of this insanely easy resolution in a bit.
This is my 12th and final monthly New Year’s fun wine resolution. Maybe I will throw one in occasionally. Other fun stuff will be created in its place.
Have you been doing this all along? Wine Talk With Ellen has been doing this all year.
If you have been a part of this fun ride all year, feel free to skip on down.
If you want to, see what you’ve been missing:
Here are the links for the past monthly resolutions. Do them in any order. Feel virtuous that you have completed a New Year’s Resolution. Woo!
Click here for January. The first wine resolution was about Chardonnay wine and comparing Old World and New World wines. This one is the back story, and why resolving to eat more lemongrass offered no joy.
Click here for February. This resolution was all about Champagne. No downside to finding something to celebrate with Champagne. (Use this one if you want to help with this month’s CELEBRATE something resolution.)
Click here for March. March was all about the Beaujolais.
Click here for April. This resolution was about Riesling wine. It wears so many different hats. It also can totally mess with people who are trying to do a deductive blind tasting (that means they are trying to figure out what wine it is.)
Click here for May. We travelled to Spain. Such great value wines there.
Click here for June. That was an easy one. It was how not to be a lemming about wine. Don’t be a blind follower.
Click here for July. That was falling in love with Pinot Noir, even if it can be a heartbreaker.
Click here for August. That was having fun with Albariño wines. It was so fitting, because the made up wine holiday of National Albariño Day was August 1st. Made up wine holidays is a great way to celebrate wine!
Click here for September. I went way down the rabbit hole for this one. It was finding your way around the maze of French wine labels and rules.
Click here for October. It was about discovering Orange wine (also known as skin contact.) I went orange themed for those in the United States who are very into pumpkins and Halloween. Good info for all though.
Click here for November. This penultimate (I am all over this word) monthly wine fun journey was raising your wine knowledge with a Valpolicella Italian wine guide. There are different levels of this wine, one of which is my favorite.
Resolve to celebrate something! I have a friend who told me that “Every day you don’t celebrate is a day wasted. “
While I love that idea, no one should feel pressured to quickly go out to celebrate so they haven’t wasted the day. That is so not the spirit of these monthly resolutions.
However, it’s a fun goal. Right?
If you want to find just about anything to celebrate every day, there are actually calendars that lay them all out for you. I am not making this up!
You can find out which day is French Toast Day. I think that was in November. There is National Lottery Day. Listening Day. Seriously, I could go on literally all year. Feel free to investigate your options.
Let’s talk wine celebrations!
This is going to be fun!
Here are some ideas to get you started:
There are a ton of wine celebrations each year!
I love these made up holidays!
You can google them but amazingly enough each calendar doesn’t agree.
There are international days, and national days. Who cares? Celebrate whatever you want, when you want.
There are actually competing rosé days! (June 13th and June 28th in case you want to know. Be open minded and celebrate both!)
I have already marked my calendar for all the made up wine holidays next year. I honestly did. I will fill you in on the fun times to be had as we go along.
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Sign up below to hear more fun stuff! Get a free wine guide ,too! .....
For December, here are some you can consider (different lists have different wines, but I’m listing any I have found.):
December 1: International Maratheftiko Day
I have never heard of this red Greek grape variety before hearing about this special wine day. It is an ancient wine variety usually found in Cyprus. Good job whoever decided to give a shout out to this variety. No reason not to celebrate it.
December 4: National (also International) Cabernet Franc Day
Cabernet Franc is a grape variety that is usually blended with other red grapes in Bordeaux. If you want it as the star, drink a wine from Chinon. It is delicious!
December 10: International Aszú Day
This is a Hungarian sweet dessert wine. It is the world’s oldest sweet wine, I have read. This could be a fun one although it can be quite pricey.
December 16: Pinot Meunier Day
If you know of Pinot Meunier at all, it is because it is one of the red grape varieties in a Champagne blend. When it is the lead player, it is usually in Germany and called Schwarzriesling. I am fascinated that someone thought to have a day to celebrate this grape variety. Again, no reason not to.
December 20: National Sangria Day
I’m pretty sure most people know about Sangria. You can find dozens of ideas for this one. Remember that traditional Spanish Sangria has Brandy or another hard liquor mixed with the wine. Be careful. This fruity concoction can pack a punch on a hot day. It sneaks up on you. It’s a fun drink though.
December 31: National Champagne Day
This one should be super easy. Champagne is a celebration onto itself. Almost all of the wine holiday calendars list this one. If you want any information about Champagne, check out February’s resolution here. Have fun with it!
Some of these wine holidays claim they are official. That sounds way too serious. Most of these holidays are made up by wine fans. I ‘m going to look into that. I’ll have a great time figuring out which fun wine holiday I want to start.
Other options for this fun resolution:
If you don’t want to use any of these made up wine days, you can celebrate wine by thinking of wines you have had throughout the year. Do any of them stand out? Celebrate it!
Was one particularly awful? Remember it and laugh about it.
Was there a fantastic winery you went to? Drink their wine and relive it!
Was there a time when you had a great time with wine because of the people you were with? Remember it and celebrate it!
As always, just have fun with it.