2024 Spotlight on Fantastic Kosher wines for Chanukah and Chrismukkah!


Welcome to the Holiday Party!

Come on in!

Everyone is welcome!

Always look for reasons to celebrate!

This is my 4th post on Kosher wine for those who really don’t know much about it! WOO!

I will have all the related posts listed at the end of this post.

If your first question is:

What are you talking about?!?! You can always skip to the end.

But I’ll go over some of it here:


Let’s talk about Chanukah

Chanukah (can be spelled in any number of ways, so just go with it!) is known as the festival of lights! It is actually not a Jewish holiday, but a festival. I would describe it as an eight-day Jewish “holiday” celebrating the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. The miracle was a small amount of oil lasted for eight days. That’s why Chanukah is celebrated for 8 days.

Celebrations mostly revolve around lighting the menorah. giving gifts, playing with a dreidel and eating fried foods like latkes and jelly donuts.

Being totally honest, Chanukah is only incredibly well known in modern culture because it occurs at a similar time as Christmas. However having fun with family and friends with food and wine is fantastic! It is to be celebrated!

Let’s mention Chrismukkah now

You may ask:

If Chanukah is when Christmas is, what’s the big deal with this Chrismukkah thing?

Chanukah follows a lunar Hebrew calendar. The dates don’t line up like a solar calendar. So… the last time Christmas and Chanukah lined up it was 2005. The next time will be 2035! This doesn’t happen all the time, so celebrate!!

This shouldn’t just be a family thing. It should be for everyone you know! Celebrations for all!

Now we talk about kosher wine!

It is normally at this point that I congratulate you for wanting to know about Kosher wine. Most people know nothing about it, and aren’t interested in finding out. You are great! Hats off to your inquisitiveness!

I also let you know that I do not keep kosher, but I have friends and relatives that do.

Kosher wine can be for all occasions!

At it’s most basic, kosher wine is made in accordance with Jewish dietary law. Just as Old World wines have to follow specific wine production rules, so does Kosher wine. (I have no intention of discussing Jewish dietary law. I’m talking wine here. I am staying in my lane.)

Most Trader Joe’s wine stores have a Kosher section. Just saying.

You may have had kosher wine and not even known it. My favorite Spanish wines that I recommend all the time is usually in the Spanish wines section with no mention of Kosher.

Both of these wines are absolutely delicious!

Just like wines that are not kosher can be delicious or not, the same is true for kosher wines. These, however, are delicious!!!

When I say “no mention of Kosher,” I just mean it isn’t in the kosher section of your wine store. There must be a designation of some sort on the wine bottle to show that it is kosher.

No different than a certification of vegan or gluten free. It needs to be trusted. By the way, kosher wine is vegan.

I go over many of the different types of certifications in my other posts. Check them out.

These certifications are everywhere, and you probably don’t even realize.

If at this point you say, well I don’t eat kosher food, you probably do. You just don’t know it.

various food items with red arrows pointing to kosher designations

Take a look at that O around a U.

YEP, that means it is kosher.

Let’s get to some more wine recommendations…

I stand by all my earlier recommendations and am making new ones!

Various delicious kosher wines. Note the Spanish one I mentioned. Morad is what I use in my post called Best Drink to Start the Party of right that’s not Champagne. Check it out!! You can make the drink kosher or not, by the way.

Weinstock is a great kosher wine producer, as is Recanati.

I feel you can’t go wrong with Baron Herzog wines.

I mention them in each post on Kosher wine. They are available in every price point. Choose your adventure!

bottle of kosher Cabernet Sauvignon

This kosher wine was better than the non kosher wines available at a corporate event I attended.

This Cabernet Sauvignon kosher wine was delicious. The Pinot Noir (not kosher and not naming names) that was offered was decidedly not!!

A fantastic Cabernet Sauvignon!

This wine is kosher for passover and muvushel. Take a look below at the back of the bottle.

The K inside the circle tells you it is kosher. Note that it also says kosher for passover. Mevushal means boiled. It is a unique form of pasteurization. If a wine is Mevushal, it can be served by anyone and remain Kosher.

No matter what, this wine is delicious.

While Kosher wine does not have to be sweet, if you like sweet wine they can totally offer you a selection.

And then there is The Blue Bottle…

bottle of Bartenura moscato d'asti

The is the largest selling wine of all kosher wines!

Shout out to Drake for putting this sweet sparkling wine out there!!

There are so many more delicious kosher wines that I could recommend. Remember to check out the related posts below for more fun stuff and great recommendations.

Shout out once again to my brother-in-law. He does keep kosher, has great taste in wine, and sends me suggestions often.

Anyone can enjoy Kosher wines! Those who keep kosher will not drink non kosher wines. If you’re celebrating Chanukah or Chrismukkah go kosher with friends and family.

Now that you know how delicious kosher wine can be, there is no downside.




Best guide to buying kosher wine when you really know nothing about it or press here.

Feel free to skip the first one and go right to the 2024 Updated guide.

2024 Best Updated Guide to buying kosher wine when you really know nothing about it or press here.

This one will get you started with everything you need!

This is how you celebrate with kosher wine when you know nothing about it! or press here.

This post has even more wine suggestions. Enjoy!



Go Italian! New Spotlight On 3 More Incredibly Delicious Trader Joe's Wines!


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